Q: What is the Stanford Community Plan?
The Stanford Community Plan refines the policies of the General Plan as they apply to Stanford lands within the County of Santa Clara. The primary purpose of the Community Plan is to guide future use and development of Stanford lands in a manner that incorporates key General Plan principles of compact urban development, open space preservation, and resource conservation. Please see the BACKGROUND page for more information on the existing Community Plan.
Q: How does the Community Plan update relate to the General Plan update?
The Stanford Community Plan Update is the first phase of planned work to update the overall County General Plan. The County of Santa Clara Department of Planning and Development is in the process of pre-planning for other General Plan and Housing Element updates.
Q: Did any Community Plan updates come out of the Stanford GUP process?
In November 2016, Stanford University submitted a General Use Permit application. The County published a draft EIR and proceeded with recommendations to the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors regarding the application. However, Stanford withdrew the GUP application on November 1, 2019.
As part of the application review, several public hearings were held. Issues discussed at these public hearings are related to the Community Plan. These issues were publicly discussed, and the County received comments from the public, the Board, and the University. Consequently, County staff made recommendations to the Board for the Community Plan. These recommendations can now be incorporated into this new effort. With the withdrawal of the GUP application, the County can conduct additional research to address the issues raised during the public hearings.
Q: How does the Stanford Community Plan relate to the County’s General Plan?
The Community Plan is a component, and supplement to, the Santa Clara County General Plan as it applies policies specific to Stanford lands in unincorporated Santa Clara County.
Q: Where can I find Stanford policy documents, such as the 2000 Stanford Community Plan, the 2000 General Use Permit, and the 1985 Land Use Policy Agreement?
See our LINKS page to access Stanford policy documents.
Q: Where can I find the Municipal Services Study, Graduate Student Housing Affordability Study, and Childcare Study?
See our LINKS page to access these draft studies.
Q: How will meetings be conducted during COVID-19 public health orders?
In accordance with the County’s Health Order, the Administration will use online tools including webinars and video conferencing and social Media such as Instagram and Facebook to conduct community outreach.
The County is currently exploring methods to provide computer stations to individuals needing internet access to allow participation in the outreach process. Check here to access a computer at a Santa Clara County Library and to see if a Santa Clara County Library is open near you.